by Kathryn Cole
illustrated by Qin Leng
age range: 6 to 10 years old
The kids at school seems to always find a reason for not allowing Dee-Dee to join their clubs. She can't join the Walking Club because she walks with a crutch. She can't join the Strong-arm Wrestling Club because she is a girl. She can't join the Pet-sitters Club because she doesn't own a pet. That seems very wrong. Friends are supposed to include you, not to leave you out.
Then is when the idea came to her. She invited her friends to join Friendship. Friendship is not a club, and it's for everyone. All that matters is to care, show respect, include others, be loyal, be kind, be giving, play fair.
Another great book in this series, this time emphasizing in the importance of care about other people's feelings, and how much better is to include instead of reject. Friendship should be healthy, if it is not healthy is not friendship neither.
I received this copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
More books in this series: A tattle-tell tale. A story about getting help and The uh-oh feeling. A story about touch.
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