
Happy Birthday, Davy!
by Brigitte Weninger
illustrations by Eve Tharlet
While Davy is anxiously waiting for his birthday, he wishes for the three most important things to him: someone who always had time to tell stories, someone to teach him more games, and someone who had lots of time to play with him. Grandma and grandpa will come to be his present, and make all his wishes come true in his special day. Davy has the best birthday ever!
This story is VERY sweet. Davy and his siblings really enjoy the time they spend with their grandparents. The best thing is get together, love and enjoy each other. Davy is so happy and grateful at the end of the day, he offers himself to be his grandparents present in their birthdays, and give them the best he can think of: his love.
Davy asking hundreds of times how many more days until his birthday made me laugh. This is such a familiar situation at my house ! We actually do countdowns for birthdays!
The book is also beautifully illustrated. These are illustrations you feel like hugging!
I find it appropriate for kids between 3 to 6 years old.
I received this copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
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